Miscellaneous Supplies

Miscellaneous Supplies

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Scrub Brush

    Scrub Brush


    $2.99 - $58.99
    Heavy duty scrub brushes for use with screen cleaning and reclaiming chemicals.  Avoid cross contaminating chemicals by using a separate brush for each step of the reclaiming process.  Buy a few or by the case.
    $2.99 - $58.99
  • Scrub Brush Handle

    Scrub Brush Handle


    Heavy duty scrub brushes handle for use with white scrub pads.  Avoid cross contaminating chemicals by using a separate brush for each step of the reclaiming process. 
  • Ultimate Ink Clean Up Card

    Ultimate Ink Clean Up Card

    Save time and money with the Ultimate Clean Up Card now available at Mel Ray Industries! On average it costs $0.10 to $0.15 to clean a spatula or ink scraper compared to $0.03 using these handy disposable cards. Optimal for removing ink from...
    10-Clean Up Cards